September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Fall 2017 – # 12
Title of Bill: Allocation of Funds to Franciscan University Byzantine Club
Sponsor(s): Senator Watson
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
$200 be allocated to Franciscan University Byzantine for their club outreach.
Recognizing that:
- The books are to be given out, for free, to students at the upcoming club fair.
- Byzantine Club has been a crucial resource for Byzantine Rite Catholics, and those with an appreciation for Byzantine spirituality.
- Byzantine Club has continued to provide resources for such Catholics, such as planning prayer services, like Akathist, and sponsoring talks, like the upcoming talk on icons and catechesis by Rev. Deacon Dozier.
- Byzantine Club would be able to start more events, like a book club, with the books given out to students.
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