September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Fall 2017 #20
Title of Bill: Allocation of Funds to YAF for Website Renewal
Sponsor(s): Senator McNichol
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
$52.63 be allocated to Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) for website renewal costs.
Recognizing that:
- The YAF website hosts the Steubenville Stimulus Project directory, a calendar of upcoming events, a collection of videos from past events, and information about the mission and activities of the club.
- The website is especially needed for a large, highly-active club like YAF because there is no dedicated space for club information on the website.
- The site has received over 1,700 hits since being redesigned in February 2017.
- The website furthers the mission of the club and benefits the student body by serving as a resource for all students, especially in the local business directory.
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