September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Fall 2017 #30
Title of Bill: Reallocation of Funds to the Franciscan University Young Americans for Freedom
Sponsor(s): Senator Bagley
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
$513.88 be reallocated from YAF’s “Hotel and Partial Cost of Passes” budget line-item to a new “Transport Costs” line-item for the club’s upcoming trip to the Values Voter Summit.
Recognizing that:
- YAF is seeking to use its leftover money that was originally budgeted toward hotel and conference cost to help with student transportation expenses.
- YAF received a sponsorship from the Family Research Council covering the full cost of conference passes. This dramatically reduced the total expenses for the trip.
- 11 Franciscan Students are participating in the trip.
- Left-over transport funds will be returned to the contingency fund.
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