September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Spring 2018 – #29
Title of Bill: Fiscal Responsibility Act
Sponsor(s): Senator Poff
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that: By- Law III. B. 5. f. be amended to read
“After discussion, the bill shall be determined by a vote. If the bill being voted upon includes a financial allocation of $5000 or more, the bill shall require a 2/3 majority of the senate in order to pass. All other bills will require a simple majority of the senate, with the Vice President casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie.”
Recognizing that:
- This change in the by-laws will ensure that large, non-budgetary expenditures are not forced through by a simple majority vote and create unnecessary division within student government.
- This amendment to the by-laws came out of a conversation with Mr. Schmiesing and was in fact suggested by him.
- In the spirit of student government, this amendment will ensure that large financial decisions by FUSG are more meticulously analyzed and ensure that such decisions are made with the greater fiscal responsibility.
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