1.Call to Order: 11:00.
2. Opening Prayer: Senator Williams.
3. Roll Call: President Martinez – excused, Justice Cummings – unexcused.
4. Treasurer’s Report: The exact amount of money in the contingency fund is currently unknown, but will be sorted out soon.
5. Internal Auditor’s Report: Nothing to report.
6. Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report.
7. Approval of Minutes:
a. Motion to amend Section 9, F to read “last semester” regarding the rock wall instead of “next semester.”
b. Motion approved.
c. Motion to approve to the minutes.
d. Minutes are approved.
8. Committee’s Report:
a. Finance: Met and discussed Spring Bill #34 and approved the bill 3-0 with no amendments.
b. Rules and Order: Nothing to report.
c. Development: Nothing to report.
d. Outreach: Nothing to report.
e. Welfare: Nothing to report.
9. Business
a. Senate Bill Spring 2018 – 33
i. The Chair recognizes Samuel Marine, President.
ii. Senator McNichol suggests tabling the bill for one week so that those who are concerned about it will have more time to think about how to vote for or against this club.
iii. Senator Poff believes this current bill and the bill for the rock climbing wall cannot be compared. He does not believe we need to wait on this bill.
iv. Senator Heroux supports both McNichol’s and Poff’s statements, but believes that since there are no events coming up immediately, there should be no issue in waiting to pass the bill next week.
v. Senator Poff believes that because of the budget process coming up, this may block them out of the budget process. He also asks McNichol to state the names of the three faculty members who opposed the club.
vi. Senator McNichol states that the one week delay will not impact them in the budget process since it will not be approved until the middle of April.
vii. Motion to table the bill.
viii. Roll Call Vote: Senator Hyland – aye, Senator Shillinglaw – nay, Senator Schurr – abstain, Senator Starcher – nay, Senator Heroux – aye, Senator Poff – nay, Senator McNichol – aye, Senator Bouchard – aye, Senator Surovec – aye, Senator Williams – aye, Cortese – aye.
ix. The bill has been tabled indefinitely.
b. Senate Bill Spring 2018 – 34 Allocation of Funds to the FUS BGA
i. The Chair recognizes Sebastian Kohler, President.
ii. Senator Starcher asks where the pizzas are coming from.
iii. Kohler states the pizzas are coming from Domino’s.
iv. Move to previous question.
v. The bill passes.
c. Motion to untable Senate Spring Bill – 12 Allocation of Funds to the Hildebrand Project for Cosponsoring the Rusty Reno Speaking Event
i. Motion to untable the bill.
ii. The bill has been untabled.
iii. Vice President Gessler states that the title should now be reimbursement of funds instead of allocation of funds as it took place yesterday.
iv. Motion to amend the title of the bill.
v. Motion has been passed.
1. Title of the Bill is now “Senate Spring Bill – 12 Reimbursement of Funds to the Hildebrand Project for Cosponsoring the Rusty Reno Speaking Event”
vi. The Chair recognizes Catherine Biegel, sponsor.
vii. Senator Cortese lets Biegel know that she had received emails with differing dates for when this event was supposed to take place.
viii. Move to previous question.
ix. The bill passes.
10. Advisor’s Comments: Dean Schmiesing is not present today.
11. Vice President’s Comments: Shared Governance Council: Philosophy Thesis are now 3 credits instead of 1 and there will now be a Biology-Chemistry major available. There are more changes to come. Hilltop Clean-Up will take place on April 14th. It is from 10am-1pm. Please be there unless you have a high priority commitment. FUSG on the Hill brought in 166 responses yesterday regarding Student Academic Support Services.
12. For the Good of the Order: The Court’s Ruling on Best Dressed: Vice President Gessler and Justice Cummings.
13. Announcements: No announcements.
14. Adjournment: 11:22.