September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Fall 2018 – #19
Title of Bill: Purchase of 24, 3x3ft, 1 inch’ MMA Interlocking Foam Tiles
Sponsor(s): Majority Leader McNichol
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
$399.99 be allocated to purchase 24, 3x3ft, 1’inch MMA Interlocking Foam Tiles.
Recognizing that:
- These tiles will be used for a multitude of purposes with athletics ranging from MMA, Wrestling, Active Stretching, Gymnastics, Aerobics, and other Plyometric exercises.
- The mats have been widely requested by numerous members of the fitness community.
- These mats maintain a 4.5/5 star rating out of 294 customer reviews.
- They’re more comfortable than the hardwood or concrete floor.
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