September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Fall 2018 – #30
Title of Bill: Reimbursement for GSA Talk by Sr. Catherine
Sponsor(s): Senator Watson
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
$84.42 be allocated to the Graduate Counseling Association to reimburse its talk by Sr. Catherine, T.O.R. which was held on September 11.
Recognizing that:
- Catherine T.O.R. is a graduate of the Graduate Counseling Program who is in the process of creating a center for trauma in downtown Steubenville.
- She talked on the topics of faith, prayer, and trauma.
- The event was to promote the integration of faith into the counseling profession in relation to trauma.
- Those in attendance were graduate students and faculty.
- About 30 people were in attendance.
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