September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Spring 2021 – #3
Title of Bill: Re-allocation of fund for the March for Life
Sponsor(s): Senator Hahn
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
The $5,000 allocated to Students for Life for the March for Life be re-allocated.
Recognizing that:
- The $5,000 that was allocated to the March for Life would have gone back to contingency, as the in-person March was cancelled this year.
- Student Life generously offered to match Student Government’s donation to the Aim Women’s center, so the total amount donated from this bill will be $5,000.
- Student Government has reached out to Mr. Burriss on different ways the Wellness Center could potentially use this $1,000 to benefit the student body.
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