September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Spring 2018 – #19
Title of Bill: Allocation of Funds to Graduate Counseling Association
Sponsor(s): Senator Surovec
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
$105 be allocated to Graduate Counseling Association to fund a talk by Dr. Horn
Recognizing that:
- Dr. Horn is a psychologist who works for Arlington Catholic Charities. He comes once per semester to give a talk about a current issues within Catholic counseling services.
- The talk will take place On March 22nd he will be speaking about counseling individuals with homosexual attraction.
- Last semester, an estimated 50 persons came to this event, including about 40 current counseling students and about 10 undergraduate psychology students.
- This event serves to recruit more psychology students to enroll in our counseling program and educated on various issues in the counseling world today.
- Estimated number of persons: 40.
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