September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Fall 2017 – #17
Title of Bill: Allocation of Funds to FUSG for Filtered Water Bottle Stations
Sponsor(s): Senator McNichol
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
$10,000 be allocated to FUSG for the purchase and installation of 3 filtered water bottle stations around campus.
Recognizing that:
- President Martinez and Vice President Gessler have been working with Physical Plant since April to provide this change.
- There are currently only two water bottle filling stations on campus, in the field house and in the St. Joseph Center. This would add a station on the first floor of Egan, CODA and the library.
- Jeff Johnson of Physical Plant and Vice President Gessler are working with the supplier for a bulk discount to bring down the costs.
- Physical Plant has requested we buy additional filters to cover the upkeep. These will last 2-3 years.
- Upkeep costs to FUSG would be about $200 for every 3 years, as well as any other maintenance costs given by PP, not exceeding $500. These costs should be added to the semester budget so they are accounted for when needed.
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