September 1, 2021: Fall Bill #1
Fides et Opera
Senate Bill: Fall 2017 – #24
Title of Bill: Allocation of funds to Leo Munday for development of official website and professional photos
Sponsor(s): Senator McNichol
Be it resolved by the Franciscan University Student Government (SG) that:
$300 be allocated to Leo Munday for the development of FUSGs new and official website as well as all photos professionally done.
Recognizing that:
- Leo is a senior Communication Arts Major with a background in web development, photography, and videography.
- The development of the new website will be the official and final website of FUSG with a .edu domain.
- There will be no hosting or domain costs as the Marketing and Communications Department has allowed for us to use their servers free of charge.
- Leo will be reporting to Brian Sizemore,back end web developer for all the Marketing and Communications department. To ensure professional quality and in line with University web development guidelines.<.li>
- The website is set to go live next Tuesday October 3.
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